Friday, December 7, 2012

There were many questions, both asked and implied, regarding the significance of our eventual wedding this year. I would always scoff when friends ‘bought in’ to the whole marriage thing. I never really got, but I’m thankful that I finally did. The story of our fateful meeting at the turn of the millennium is one of passion and destiny. Before we knew where we were going, and long before the fire had burned down to a glowing bed of coals, Raven was on her way. We committed ourselves to raising a child, as all parents do, without reservation. As our little angel grew and flourished, we started to drift back to our own separate lives. We assumed the roles that we thought good parents should shoulder, providing a stable, stimulating and worldly environment. Being a parent is by far the most challenging task one can take on. Children reflect all of our faults back at us, and when it comes to being a stable, nurturing father, I have many. I didn’t have a father to turn to or emulate, but I inherited two incredible families through Su and Raven. I am eternally grateful for being accepted so completely, being such a novice. I have learned so much about family and community through this network of caring, compassionate, and diverse network of newfound relations. But something still wasn’t quite right. I needed more than 9-5 and weekend retreats. Su needed more. We needed more.

 We tried more stuff, more vacations, more sailing, and more beer and wine…What we really needed was more of each other. We had dedicated ourselves to being good parents, but had never dedicated ourselves to each other. I’ve never signed a lease, cell phone contract, or even bought a gym membership. I’ve always been more of a ‘drop-in’ kind of guy. We obviously did some soul searching. I cycled away, across the continent, getting closer to home the further I went. Things started to click. The solution and the journey towards it suddenly became clear. Su and Raven gave me a future I never could have foreseen, the greatest gift in a life full of good fortune.

  All relationships require maintenance, but there is so much more. We should facilitate each other to grow, to evolve, to strive for our full potential. We are complementary creatures. We can, and should become greater together than separately. I became committed to doing whatever was necessary to honor that union. Su is the most amazing woman I know, and I am a better man because of her. I started to learn to honor myself, to take a path that leads through fear and into understanding, faith, and unity. Our wedding was a public declaration of gratitude, commitment, and dedication, not only to each other, but to our family, our friends, our community. You have all given us so much, nurtured us, and allowed us to thrive in, and as a family. I thank you all more than you could possibly know. My most sincere wish is to be able to facilitate growth, evolution, contentment and joy in return. Namaste.

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